Your posts are both incorrect. US accounts are not frozen as you can transfer funds to non gaming merchants. Just call them and they will tell you that is true.
Several people have posted on this forum stating they have non-gaming merchant accounts with NETELLER, and NETELLER has stated they are unable process payments from U.S. client accounts.
Dear xxxxxxxx,
Unfortunately at this time Neteller is unable to accept any online merchants transactions based out of the USA.
I do apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.
If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us at anytime.
xxxxx xxxxxxx
Account Manager
Merchant Business Development
Maybe I misunderstood the posts. Do you have a non-gaming merchant account with NETLLER? Have you transfered money to a non-gaming merchant account? By all means, post a rebuttal.
NETELLER is also not accepting applications for merchant accounts at this time, so someone cannot setup a new non-gaming merchant to transfer out US funds. You have contrary information on that too?
Second, Where did you get that ridiculous figure that Neteller is only holding $50 million of US customers funds? The amount they have is much closer to a 700 million....Get your facts straight next time please...
Why don't you look up the facts intead of making them up?
Half-year-end 2006
Customer balances (non-europe):
Accumated profits on the balance sheet:
Cash and cash equivalents
Restricted cash (Note 3)
If you have the year-end 2006 figures, go ahead and post them. They haven't been published yet.